A creative mompreneur's journey (part 3)

All my stylish in town, Hi!

For my solo/mom preneur plan to be effective, it needed to be compatible with my personality and lifestyle. So much work! More so, if you are the new kid on the block. Finding helpful resources is time-consuming. It’s trial and error times a million. There is a big advantage in starting a business in your mid-30s though; I knew what I wanted and wasn’t going to quit!

photo cred: @darlingarias



I moved efficiently for the most part because I did not have much time (Sophie’s naps were all I had). I started tackling everything that came my way. On paper and then online. Planning first, doing research next. Documentaries, textbooks, blogs, YouTube, Google, virtual tradeshows (remember Covid?!) podcasts, you name it. 

And it could easily get overwhelming. Because now you know all you don’t know! And if you’re a hyper-learner like me, anxiety starts creeping in; “can I do this”? “is this what they call a bite bigger than you can chew”? “why did I think I could do this”? In times like this, you need an ear, somebody who acknowledges your progress because you can’t see it yourself, you’re way too deep in it to be able to have a bird’s eye view. God bless all the husbands who become your best friends, your trustees, and the most faithful fans.

photo cred: @markusspiske

photo cred: @freegraphictoday


I have to mention, I had pure joyful rushes of energy when I accomplished something. It is a roller coaster of emotions, planning and starting a business from scratch with no prior knowledge or experience! But there are ways you can get on it and enjoy the thrill. You’ll find your way of doing things during your process. You need your own way, not what others recommend. I tried pushing myself into too many highly recommended and it just led to further disappointment. Take time to figure out your way, it will come and it is worth it.


I thought I share with you how I could help myself move and not get totally frustrated. Here are the 7 golden rules that kept me on track, motivated and productive:

1.   Break down big steps into smaller actions

2.   Focus on what is at hand

3.   Be flexible with changes that mess up a workday’s flow

4.   Be graceful to yourself

5.   Compare yourself to your old self, not someone else

6.   Celebrate your failures

7.   Acknowledge your progress

Don’t let anything hold you back from that big dream of yours. It has been lingering there for a reason. I am a big believer in “things happen for a reason”. Photo cred: @helloimnik

Don’t be afraid to step on in a new path. Photo cred: @elizabeth44

I am working on my my products now while putting things together for my website. I take a look at the past three years and I can’t believe the amount of new things I’ve learned. Learning is never gonna stop once you’ve started your own business. Remember to pat yourself on the back.

I will write more notes for you. Make sure to check them out if this one resonates with you. Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.

My Instagram handle crisp.olive has great visuals into my journey. And if you’re curious to see what products I design check my boutique out, you won’t be disappointed ;). Especially if you are a busy stylish one with unique taste ;)


All the good vibes,

Narges (pronounced nar+guess)