Crisp Olive™ Boutique

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7 stylish and versatile ways to wear your Rose Fusion Brooch

All my stylish in town, hi!

It’s been a while, right?!

Well, in this little while from March till November (wow, eight months already!) I went through my third cross country move- which is a noteworthy story on its own- and welcomed my little man, Christian Rod into this world. He is an angel and is 6 months now <3

Entering motherhood, all over again with a three-year-old and a newborn will throw you another curve ball in the style field. All the calm you seemed to have found in spite of a “threenager” tantrums and mood swings (lol) goes up in the air. And with it, goes the style that used to work through pregnancy and time+anything you’ll like on your new body.

What has helped me has been choosing the easier cover-all and open neck (for nursing) clothes, boxy silhouettes and an all-time-fave, mom jeans. Those will never disappoint. In fact, let’s hear a round of applause for mom jeans!

The other has been the quick-style-updater, my trustee accessories. They do it every single time. Cheer your outfits up quick and easy! I used the Rose Fusion Brooch so many times thankful to their versatility. Take a look at all the different clothing and all the different spots I used it on :)

How will you get creative and use your Rose Fusion brooch? Send me your photos to or use #rosefusionbrooch on IG so I can proudly share your pictures AND your unique taste!

There is so much that’s been happening at Crisp Olive as I’ve watched Christian grow month to month. You can’t stop a big dream from happening. I’ve got more exciting news, and I mean it when I say EXCITING! :D

Stay tuned my stylish friends! And keep an eye out for the future notes from this designer…

Till next time, my wish for you is that style comes easy to you!

All the good vibes,

Narges, pronounced (Nar+guess)